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Laure Malchair

Prof. Marjolein Visser's research group at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium

Project advisor of the support team for the Co-Create Action of Innoviris (Brussels Region)
02 650 6081

Profile & curriculum

Master in French and Romance Literatures and Languages (UCL, 2002)

Teaching Diploma in French and Italian ( UCL, 2002)

Master’s Degree in European Studies (UCL, 2003)

Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratization (EIUC, 2004)

Research interests

  • participatory action research

  • urban resilience

  • social innovation experiments

  • Group dynamics towards change

Current research project

I am working in a multidisciplinary team providing support to participatory action research projects. Those projects are funded by the Brussels Capital Region (through the Brussels Research and Innovation Agency) and aim at proposing innovative solutions to current challenges faced by urban residents. I am more specifically in charge of those fostering the resilience of the Brussels Capital Region.

Together with the projects members, I build common knowledge and expertise on what urban resilience means on the ground. We - as a team - develop a quality relationship based approach, which means understanding brakes and leverages in each participatory action research and, from there, design customized solutions.   

Five key publications

MALCHAIR, L., Et si l’économie nous parlait du bonheur ? Des indicateurs de prospérité citoyens, Couleur livres, Bruxelles, 2013 (See media coverage on ).

CRISTALDI, L. & MALCHAIR, L., Un solo mondo, quante narrazioni, Cittadini del mondo, SEI Frontiere, Rome, Italy, Marche 2006.

MALCHAIR, L., “Between Exclusion and Assimilation, Which Fate for the Roma in an Enlarged Europe?”, in Pace Diritti Umani - Peace Human Rights, Marsilio, Centro Diritti Umani Università di Padova, 2/2005, May/August 2005.

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