Larissa Mies Bombardi
Research Fellow Political Agroecology
Email: larissa.bombardi.mies@ulb.be
Profile & curriculum
2024 – Present. RESEARCH FELLOW – Agroecology Lab, Université Libre de Bruxelles – Friction Project.
2007– Present. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR – (Licensee) – Department of Geography – University of São Paulo, Brazil. (Full-Time Teaching and Research). PhD thesis supervisor since 2012.
2023 - 2024. VISITING RESEARCHER – Université Paris Cité – CESSMA –- (Centre for Social Science Studies on African, American and Asian Worlds) – IRD – Institut de Recherche pour le Développement / PAUSE – Programme for the Emergency Reception of Scientists in Exile – Paris, France.
2023 Mai – Oct 2023. VISITING RESEARCHER – Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ) – Leipzig, Germany.
2021 – 2021. POST DOCTORAL RESEARCHER – Department of Criminology - VUB [Vrije Universiteit Brussel], Belgium.
2016 – 2017. VISITING RESEARCHER – Business School – University of Strathclyde, Scotland.
2014 – 2015. POST DOCTORAL RESEARCHER at Faculty of Geography, Federal Fluminense University, Brazil.
2004 – 2007. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR – Faculty of Geography, PUC [Pontifical Catholic University], Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil.
2001 – 2001. RESEARCHER – ITESP, Instituto de Terras do Estado de São Paulo [São Paulo Land Institute], Brazil.
Research interests
Throughout my career, I have focused on studying peasantry, social movements in rural areas, and agrarian reform.
Over the past 15 years, I have dedicated myself to researching the use and impacts of pesticides in agriculture, as well as to understanding what I have termed "Chemical Colonialism." This concept highlights the significant North-South asymmetry regarding the control of pesticide sales and the profound global inequalities that characterize their use in different regions of the world.
I am particularly interested in understanding how capitalism has developed and perpetuated itself in agriculture, whether through the subordination of land rent, the dispossession of peasants, or—most notably—through the imposition of technological packages ranging from chemical fertilizers to the use of drones, robots, and artificial intelligence in farming.
Furthermore, I seek to comprehend the resistance movements to this model and the role of women in this context.
Research project
2024 - Present. ULB – Agroecology LAB. FRICTION – A political agroecology at the encounter of biodigital innovation and farming worlds in Belgium. The project brings together the fields of science and technology studies, political ecology and agroecology to study biodigital technologies and related infrastructures, as contested terrains that are indivisible from power dynamics and the longer histories of agricultural modernisation. Developing a genealogical approach, the project lays bare the actors, interests, and sources of authority that come together in the biodigital imperative. More importantly, the project explores what happens when biodigital technologies meet with peasant farmers, an encounter that is all but frictionless.
2023 – Present. CESSMA. GENgiBRE. IRD – Institut de Recherche pour le Développement [Institute of Research for Development] – Paris, France. “L’agroécologie comme pratique féminine et féministe” [Agroecology as a feminine and feminist practice]. Institutions: IRD-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (laboratoire Centre d’études en sciences sociales sur les mondes africain, américain et asiatique – CESSMA, France), Université fédérale de Viçosa (Département d’économie Rurale et Département des Sols, Brésil), du Centre de Technologies Alternatives de la Zona da Mata (CTA-ZM, Brésil), de l’organisation féministe SOF-Sempreviva Organização Feminista (Brésil) et de l’Université de Toulouse (laboratoire DYNAMIQUES RURALES, France. The research project GENgiBRe, "Relationship to Nature and Gender Equality: A Contribution to Critical Theory Based on Feminist Practices and Mobilizations in Agroecology in Brazil," aims to understand the relationship agroecological women farmers have with "nature" and the role this relationship may play in their commitment to defending their vision of the territory and combating discrimination.
Selected publications
BOMBARDI, Larissa Mies. Pesticides: un colonialisme chimique. Paris. Anacaona Editions. https://www.anacaona.fr/ , 2024. (Book).
BOMBARDI, Larissa Mies. "Brasil: um mercado rentável" [Brazil: a profitable market]. In: MONTENEGRO, M.; DOLCE, J. (Org.). Atlas dos Agrotóxicos 2023: fatos e dados do uso dessas substâncias na agricultura [Atlas of Agrochemicals 2023: facts and data on the use of these substances in agriculture]. HEINRICH BÖLL STIFTUNG. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 2023. https://br.boell.org/pt-br/2023/12/01/atlas-dos-agrotoxicos (Article)
SCORZA, F. A.; BELTRAMIM, L; BOMBARDI, Larissa M. Pesticide exposure and human health: Toxic legacy. In: Clinics, Volume 78, 2023, 100249, ISSN 1807-5932, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinsp.2023.100249. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1807593223000856) (Article)
BOMBARDI, Larissa Mies; PERALTA, Marina C. Campos. Epilogue 1. In: FIEBRIG, Immo Norman. (Edit.). Medicinal Agroecology: Reviews, Case Studies and Research Methodologies. CRC Press. 2023. https://www.routledge.com/Medicinal-Agroecology-Reviews-Case-Studies-and-Research-Methodologies/Fiebrig/p/book/9780367702977 (Book Chapter)
BOMBARDI, Larissa Mies. "Brazil: more cultivation, more pesticides, more exports". In: TOSTADO, L.; (Edit.). Pesticide Atlas 2022. HEINRICH BÖLL STIFTUNG. Berlin, Germany. 2022. https://eu.boell.org/en/PesticideAtlas (Article)
BOMBARDI, Larissa Mies. "A Agricultura 4.0 no Brasil: alta tecnologia na agricultura não é sinônimo de alimentos para a população brasileira" [Agriculture 4.0 in Brazil: high technology in agriculture is not synonymous with food for the Brazilian population]. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Heirich Böll, 2022. “https://br.boell.org/sites/default/files/2022-12/boll_tecnol ogia_agricultura_alt3.pdf (Book)
BOMBARDI, Larissa Mies; CHANGOE, Audrey. Toxic Trading. The EU Pesticide lobby’s offensive in Brazil. Friends of The Earth Europe. 2022. https://friendsoftheearth.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Toxic-Trading-EN.pdf. (Technical Report)
BOMBARDI, Larissa Mies. “Geography of Asymmetry: the vicious cycle of pesticides and colonialism in the commercial relationship between Mercosur and the European Union”. The Left. Belgium, 2021. V1 52 pages + annex 140 pages. https://left.eu/events/eu-mercosur-the-vicious-circle-of-pesticides / (Atlas-Book)
BOMBARDI, Larissa Mies. A Geography of Agrotoxins Use in Brazil and its Relations to the European Union. 1st ed. São Paulo: – Laboratory of Agrarian Geography, FFLCH – USP. 2019. v. 1. 267p. http://www.livrosabertos.sibi.usp.br/portaldelivrosUSP/catalog/book/352 (Atlas-book)
BOMBARDI, Larissa Mies. “Natureza, Ambiente e Conflito” [Nature, Environment and Conflict]. In: CRUZ, Rita de Cássia Ariza da; CARLOS, A.F.A. (Org.). A Necessidade da Geografia. [The Necessity of Geography] 1 ed. Ed Contexto – São Paulo – SP, 2019. p. 202–214. (Book Chapter)