Le Centre d’Appui pour l’Action Co-Create (CACOC)
CACOC is a project providing support to ongoing Co-Create projects (www.cocreate.brussels). It aims at enhancing collective learning opportunities and contributes to spread produced knowledge, with a transversal approach.
The roles of CACOC are :
- to provide support related to participatory-action-research methodologies
- to support the transition towards innovative research processes and new approaches to knowledge
- to develop a network between the different Co-Create projects
- to ensure coherence and transversality between Co-Create projects
- to offer a self-evaluation framework around the projects evolution and their impact.
Centre d’Appui 
The CACOC team 

Isabelle Bayart, Coordination (BRUFOTEC)

Marie Maloux, Communication
Emmanuel Massart, Project Adviser (ULB)
Thomas Ronti, Project Adviser (BRUFOTEC)
Audrey Vankeerberghen, Project Adviser (ULB)
Laure Malchair, Project Adviser (ULB)
Laure Derenne, Project Adviser (ULB)